On the Revolutions of the Earth's Surface

By Sir JAMES HALL, Bart. Pr. R. S. ED. & F.R.S.  LONDON.



Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol v, 1812.  P. 139-167.
[Read March 16. 1812]

WE are never more disposed to give credit to a philosophical system, than when we meet with a case of its successful application, unknown to the author, or containing circumstances which he had not taken into account when he formed that system.

The facts brought forward in the following paper, which, according to my view of the subject, clearly indicate the operation of immense torrents, can be accounted for, I think, in a very satisfactory manner, by the Huttonian Theory, and consequently afford some very powerful arguments in support of it.

But such was by no means the view taken of this subject by Dr HUTTON  himself, or by Mr PLAYFAIR, who, since his death, has so ably illustrated and maintained his geological opinions; These gentlemen have expressed themselves, on all occasions, in a manner peculiarly hostile to the employment of such torrents as geological agents, believing that all the phenomena may be traced to the influence of diurnal causes only.

I have no hesitation in declaring my hearty concurrence in what I consider as the essence of the Huttonian Theory; I mean as to all that relates to the influence of internal heat in the formation of our rocks and mountains: But I could never help differing from Dr HUTTON, as to the particular mode in which he conceived our continents to have risen from the bottom of the sea, by a motion so gentle, as to leave no trace of the event, and so as to have had no share in producing the present state of the Earth's surface.

At an early period of life, while I imbibed from the delightful conversation of my worthy friend Dr HUTTON, the spirit of his geological views, I retained my attachment to opinions suggested by M. DE SAUSSURE's observations, which, at a still earlier period, I had acquired in the Alps, and which had. been rivetted in my mind by the sight of the phenomena from which they have been inferred. The facts also observed in the Russian empire, and brought forward by Professor PALLAS, relative to the productions of the tropics, which are found upon the banks of the Frozen Sea, appeared to me of sufficient. force to justify his belief, that, at some remote period, a torrent of water had swept across the continent of Asia. I have, therefore, been always disposed to combine the doctrines of HUTTON with those professed by the gentlemen just named, relative to marine inundations; and a number of facts which I have observed in this country, will contribute, I hope, to throw some additional light upon this difficult subject.

Before mentioning my own observations, I beg leave to lay before the Society the state in which I found the question. The central ridge of the Alps, of which Mont Blanc is the principal mountain, consists, as is well known, of Granite. Nearly parallel to it, and at a distance of fifty-four miles to the north-west (by Sir GEORGE SHUCKBURGH's measurement) lies the mountainous ridge of Jura, fifty or sixty miles in length, composed entirely of calcareous matter. Between these two ridges are interposed the valley and lake of Geneva and other valleys and inferior hills.  The native place of the granite is confined to the central ridge; but over the surface just described, innumerable detached granitic blocks are very irregularly scattered, which have originated, as we must presume, in that central ridge, and have been transported to their present position by some mechanical power.

Upon the southern side of the Baltic, a multitude of similar blocks are found, also scattered irregularly over a sandy district, of which a particular and detailed account is given in M. DE Luc's Geological Travels, vol. i.

The origin and history of such blocks, which occur in various other places, have given rise to considerable discussion, and the question is inseparably connected with other points of magnitude in geology, such as the formation of valleys and lakes, and the distribution and arrangement of various beds of clay and gravel, and of all the loose and alluvial assemblages which occur under various forms in all parts of the globe, and constitute its most valuable districts in point of fertility.

M. DE SAUSSURE ascribes the transportation of the granitic blocks on the Alps to the action of an immense torrent of water, or Debacle, as he terms it, which at some remote period, flowing over the summit of the Alps, had carried these blocks along with it.

Dr HUTTON and Mr. PLAYFAIR, as I have already said, deny the necessity of introducing such an agent, since the circumstances, as they conceive, might have been produced by the usual action of rivers.  But this simple view seems to be excluded, when we consider both the magnitude and the positions of these blocks.  Their size, in some cases, amounts, as. in the valley of Monetier upon Saleve, to 1200 cubic feet, and in the case of those on the Gotean de Boisy, to 2250, and even to 10,296 cubic feet, which is the measure of the block called Pierre a' Martin.

To move a mass of granite of even fifty or sixty cubic feet, and to carry it a few yards, would require the utmost efforts of the Rhone or the Arve, as they flow near Geneva, in their highest floods, but that such blocks could be conveyed by one of them along its whole course, is contrary, I conceive, to all experience, and still more when we consider that these rivers are divided at their source from beneath the Glaciers into forty or fifty small streams. Yet from the Glaciers, these blocks must have come; and when we take into account the magnitude of some of the granitic masses, it is clear that the task is beyond the power of any river that flows on the surface of the earth; nay, it seems more than water, under any predicament, could accomplish, and more than could be expected from the Debacle itself, however extravagant its magnitude may appear: but we shall again return to the subject, and shew in what manner this difficulty may be explained.

These stones do not lie merely in the beds of rivers, but occur all over the country, and on the summits of mountains, where rivers could least be conceived to have flowed; nor are they confined to that side of the country, or to the side of the lake of Geneva which lies next the Alps; for we find them in particular on the face of Jura, which fronts the central ridge and the lake, at an elevation of 2000 feet above the latter.  A set of low hills also intervene, which occasionally hide that central ridge from the view; and it is principally where the snowy summits are visible from the face of Jura, by means of some depression in these intervening hills, that we find those travelled masses; as I remember well to have witnessed, at some of the places which SAUSSURE has pointed out, where, in high situations, on the face of Jura, I rode through great assemblages of granitic blocks, three or four feet in diameter.

The force of this fact is admitted, but an attempt is made, even under that admission, to refer the whole to diurnal actions, by supposing, that from the spot where these blocks lie, up to the summit of Mont Blanc, one continued solid plane has ascended, along which, on a declivity computed at one in thirty, these blocks may have been hurried by a stream of water; and that subsequently, in the course of ages, all the intervening mass had been washed away, so as to reduce the country to its present situation.  But this hypothesis removes the difficulty of the intervening valleys only; for the transportation in this case would be scarcely less difficult than it would be to Geneva, as matters stand at this day; -and a circumstance occurs, founded upon the observations of Sir GEORGE SHUCKBURGH, which seems entirely to preclude this hypothesis.

According to his measurement and scale, as given in the Philosophical Transactions, vol. lxvii, the height of Mont Blanc is 14,432 feet above the lake, and the distance in a straight line from Jura to Mont Blanc, I find, by his scale, to be nearly fifty-four miles, and 2,000 feet is the height at which these granite blocks occur on Jura. The slope, therefore, along which these blocks must have descended, would be nearly that of one in twenty-three.  But without inquiring whether or not this declivity would be sufficient for the purpose, it is of consequence to attend to another circumstance pointed out in these measurements.  The line above which snow lies perpetually, during all summer, is there noted, and lies by the scale at 7,500 feet perpendicular below the summit of Mont Blanc.  It is easy, then, to calculate to what horizontal distance from the centre of the ridge, this limit of perpetual snow would extend, and we thus find it to be 82 miles.  But SAUSSURE has found the junction of the granite with the surrounding strata at the Buet, and by the same scale, I find the distance of this mountain from Mont Blanc is about 10 miles.  It is obvious, then, that in the supposed situation of the Alps, in which the granitic mass could not be conceived to extend farther than it now does from the middle, that the whole granitic surface must not only have been buried in everlasting snow, but that the extent of this snow must have been three times that of the granitic.  Now there is every reason to suppose, since the temperature diminishes as the height increases, that within this upper third, the temperature has never, in the hottest day in summer, reached so high as 32°; that is to say, that water has never there existed in a liquid form.  We cannot, then, conceive any block, however small, to have been conveyed from thence by means of water, acting by the usual diurnal laws.

M. DE LUC admits the reality of M. DE SAUSSURE'S debacle, and accounts for it in the same manner; but he does not ascribe to it, either in Germany or in the Alps, the transportation of the granitic rocks, the presence of which he accounts for very differently. He supposes that these blocks have nowhere migrated along the surface, but have been ejected from below, at the places where they now lie.  This ejection he produces by a very extraordinary hypothesis, founded entirely on gratuitous suppositions, and which affords no plausible solution of the difficulty, by which we might be tempted to adopt it.

M. DE Luc mentions a theory formed by Mr. WREDE, a Professor of Berlin, to account for the same blocks. He embraces a belief which seems to have been in considerable favour, that the level of the Baltic Sea has been sinking for ages past, and he extends his belief of the same change taking place in the whole of the North Sea. His idea is, that a change has been gradually going forward in the position of the centre of gravity of the earth, which has been moving to the southward, and that an equivalent rise is experienced in the southern hemisphere. That when the North Sea stood at its highest level, the granitic blocks had been transported across the Baltic, by means of the winds, on floats of ice, and settling in their present places, had been left by the retiring waters.

M. DE Luc, in a very satisfactory manner, in my opinion, refutes one essential part of this system, by shewing, from the form of the new lands, and from other circumstances, that no change in level whatever has taken place on the surface of that sea for many ages back, and, indeed, ever since the surrounding country has possessed its present form.  As to the other part of his system, which relates to the transportation of these blocks by means of ice, we shall soon have occasion to resume its consideration.

Besides the consequences resulting from these particular phenomena, there are other material branches of Dr HUTTON'S theory connected with the same views, which in my opinion require to be carefully revised. The theory which he has advanced respecting the formation of valleys, by mere diurnal action, appears to me liable to great objections; and I cannot help agreeing with M. DE Luc, in much that he has urged against Mr. PLAYFAIR on this point.  I also concur with my friend Sir GEORGE MacKENZIE, in some general views, suggested to him by the aspect of certain rocks in Iceland, and in rejecting the slow operations of the atmosphere (Travels in Iceland, p. 39.)

The difficulty is peculiarly great where a lake occupies the bottom of the valley, and is very conspicuous in the case of the lake of Geneva lately mentioned.  For, granting all that has been advanced in support of the diurnal formation of the valley in which this lake lies, granting that it has been excavated by the diurnal actions, since these granitic blocks were deposited upon Mount Jura; it still remains to be explained, how the lake of Geneva itself was formed, the depth of which amounts in some places (SAUSSURE, art. 44.) to 950 feet. Now, as has very fairly been stated, this lake is constantly receiving all the spoils of the district which lies above it, called the Vallais, yet delivers nothing at Geneva, situated below it, but pure water. It is evident, then, that every known diurnal action tends to fill up this lake, and none to excavate it. This is therefore admitted by Mr. PLAYFAIR, to be a case "in which hypothetical reasonings are warranted by the strictest rules of philosophical investigation, and where we must therefore have recourse to an agent that is invisible.”  Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory, p. 366.

This acknowledged difficulty seems calculated to entitle the following speculations to a patient hearing from this gentleman; and he has already, in another part of the same work, expressed himse1f with regard to them, and other kindred opinions, in a manner highly encouraging to discussion, and which affords one of the most striking examples of candour that has ever occurred.

“These arguments," Mr. PLAYFAIR says, (referring to those he had just been stating) art. 367. page 412. “appear to me conclusive against the necessity of supposing the action of sudden and irregular causes on the surface of the earth.  In this, however, perhaps I am deceived, neither PALLAS nor SAUSSURE, nor DOLOMIEU, nor any author who has espoused the hypothesis of such causes, has explained his notions with any precision; on the contrary, they have all spoken with such reserve and mystery, as seems to betray the weakness, but may have concealed the strength of their cause. I have, therefore, been combating an enemy that was in some respects unknown, and I may have supposed him dislodged only because I could not find his strong holds.”

The charge of obscurity here brought forward, is very applicable to the diluvian system of SAUSSURE and DE Luc, in what regards the origin of the torrent, or the disposal of the water after it had overwhelmed the land  The same charge seems not, however, to apply to the suggestion of Professor PALLAS, who, in an early work, entitled, Observations sur la Formation des Montagnes, first published in 1777, has very explicitly ascribed the inundation by which he conceives the continent of Asia to have been overwhelmed to the action of volcanoes rising in the Indian Sea, and forming the Moluccas, the Philippines, and other islands, known or supposed to be volcanic.

It must be admitted, that such an event may occasionally have happened. But the occurrence of similar catastrophes may be inferred in a manner still more general and unequivocal, from those Plutonic revolutions the reality of which has been established by DR HUTTON'S observations. According to his system, all our strata once lay at the bottom of the sea, and have been raised into their present situation by the subterranean and submarine exertions of heat, similar to that which appears externally in the volcanoes.  And the angular fractures exhibited by these beds on many occasions, prove that this elevation was performed in such cases when the mass was in a hard state. It is obvious, then, that the same principle which I lately attempted to apply (page 87. of this volume) to the volcanic phenomena, as exhibited in the Atrio del Cavallo, will apply to those Plutonic revolutions; and we are authorised on these principles to expect, that the liquid substances of basalt and of granite, in their progress through the rents of our strata, have been exposed to congelation, like the lava in the rents of Mount Vesuvius; that their progress has been arrested, and the protruding energy accumulated in a similar manner, till it acquired sufficient power to break through that obstacle; or through some other opposed to it; and it is manifest, however gradual and uniform the propelling force may have been previous to its accumulation, that the ultimate laceration must have been performed, by a sudden and violent motion, producing an earthquake at the surface, and thus affording a more extensive and more satisfactory solution of that tremendous Phenomenon that is furnished by the steam of Mr. MITCHELL; though I am ready to admit, that in the volcanic actions, the production and condensation of steam, on many occasions, has produced very powerful effects.  In the Plutonic regions, as the restraining mass was beyond all comparison stronger, and thicker and heavier, than in the most violent volcanic action, it must have exerted a power of resistance greater in the same proportion; consequently, the time of that constraint must have been of incomparably longer duration, and the violence of the shock, when the fracture did take place, though no less sudden, must have been incomparably more powerful.

Thus, as Vesuvius, in the course of the middle ages, was once at rest during several centuries, we have reason to presume that the Plutonic action, after being suspended for several thousand years, should rush forward with a degree of violence proportioned to the time of its previous constraint, and capable of fulfilling all the conditions of SAUSSURE's debacle, or the wave of PALLAS; and the existence of these tremendous events is thus indicated a priori by the Huttonian principles.

I shall now consider, whether such traces have not been actually left by these waves, as to place the reality of their existence beyond all doubt. We have already alluded to some of these, and shall have occasion to mention some others; but in a case of this sort, no historical, nor even traditional authority need be expected; for though no limit could be assigned to the magnitude which such a wave might actually reach, there is a decided limit to the magnitude of one that could be recorded; since, by exterminating all witnesses, every wave beyond a certain size would infallibly be the cause of its own oblivion. Those of a moderate extent are most likely to have been recorded by man, having sufficient power to produce the most awful impressions, and yet sparing a sufficient number of witnesses to transmit the event to future generations.

In our attempts to elucidate this subject, we shall refer, in the first place, to specimens of this tremendous phenomenon in still lower stages of its power, since they alone have been recorded in an authentic and intelligible form. I mean, by referring to those agitations of the sea which have accompanied most of the great Earthquakes in our own times, as we learn from the following regular statements.

In the Philosophical Transactions, vol. XLIX. p. 424. we have an account of the earthquake at Cadiz, by Mr. B. BEWICKE, merchant there, 1st November 1755, in which it is said; “an hour after" (the first shock) “looking out to sea, we saw a wave coming, at eight miles distance, which was at least sixty feet higher than common. Every body began to tremble; the centinels left their posts, as well they did; it came against the west part of the town, which is very rocky; the rocks abated a great deal of its force; at last it came upon the walls, and beat in the breast-work, and carried pieces of eight or ten tons weight, forty or fifty yards from the walls," &c.

We have another account of the same by Don ANTONIO DE ULLOA, Phil. Trans. vol. XLIX. p. 427. who describes the wave as having returned five times after the first.  And similar facts are stated of other scenes of this sort.

One circumstance in addition to those mentioned, which has accompanied all these great events, and which seems at first sight to contradict our explanation of them is, that in all the agitations of the water, the first event has been a retreat of the sea.

Mr. MITCHELL says, Philosophical Transactions, vol. LI. p. 566-611, speaking of the earthquake at Lisbon in 1755, “the bar (at the mouth of the Tagus) was seen dry from shore to shore, then suddenly the sea, like a mountain, came rolling in.  This phenomenon accompanied the same earthquake at the island of Madeira, where we are told, that at the city of Funchal, the sea, which was quite calm, was observed to retire suddenly some paces, then rising with a great swell, without the least noise, and as suddenly advancing, entered the city." He further states, in the same page, that "in the northern part of the island the inundation was more violent, the sea retiring there above one hundred paces at first, and suddenly returning, overflowed the shore, forcing open doors," &c. Again, in page 466 he says, "The great earthquake that destroyed Lima and Callao in 1746, seems also to have come from the sea; for several of the ports on the coast were overwhelmed by a great wave, which did not arrive till four or five minutes after the earthquake began, and which was preceded by a retreat of the waters, as well as that at Lisbon.”

Looking into the original account of these calamities in DON ANTONIO DE ULLOA's Travels into South America, French edition, vol. i. p.467, I find that he mentions two events of this sort, which took place at Callao; one in 1687, in which the sea first retreated, and then returned with such force as to overwhelm Callao and other places. And again in 1746, when, in the course of twenty-four hours, two hundred shocks were felt; on this occasion, the sea retiring as it had done formerly, on similar occasions, returned furiously, and overwhelmed Callao so completely, that nothing remained of the whole town but a remnant of Fort Santa Cruz.  Out of twenty-three vessels at anchor in the harbour, nineteen were sunk, and the four others, one of which was a frigate, were carried to a great distance on shore, and left on dry land.  At Callao, out of four thousand inhabitants, only two hundred were saved.

Mr. MITCHELL endeavours to account for this, by his favourite doctrine of steam, according to which he conceives, that the strata at the bottom of the sea have been raised as a roof; he then continues, (p.613.) “now while the roof is raising, the waters of the ocean, over it, retreat, and flow from thence every way; this, however, being brought about slow1y, they will have time to retreat so gently, as to occason no great disturbance; but as soon as some part of the roof falls in, the cold water contained in its fissures mixing with the steam, will immediately produce a vacuum, in the same manner as the water injected into the cylinder of a steam-engine, and the earth subsiding, and leaving a hollow place above, the waters will flow every way towards it, and cause a retreat of the sea on all the shores round about." But the gradual elevation of the roof, keeping tight all the while, which is here assumed as the steam was collecting, can by no means be admitted; since, as we have shewn, a mass such as this, when forced upwards, would have yielded suddenly.

This phenomenon, however, along with all the rest mentioned, may, I conceive, be traced as consequences of the simple, but rapid, elevation of the bottom, which we have ascribed to the forcible introduction from below of stone in liquid fusion. Water being almost incompressible, or elastic in an extreme degree, it is obvious, that an elevation of that portion of the fluid which lay immediately upon the part of the bottom raised, would take place almost simultaneously.  This elevation would of course be the greatest in the middle, the quantity of matter in the vertical line being the least; but there is no doubt that an action of the same kind, diminishing in a high ratio, as the distance from the centre increased, would be extended all round; the surface of the fluid being thrown into the form of some species of conchoid, produced by the revolution round the vertical axis c b of the line d c e, (Plate. VI. fig. 1.) the highest point of which is at c, with a   contrary flexure at f and h, and going off beyond these points, in such a manner as to have the original level surface of the water d b e for an asymptote. This conchoidal elevation, produced in the first moment, being just equal in bulk to the quantity of water displaced by the solid mass  (a a) elevated at the bottom.

If this mass stopped suddenly, as would naturally happen, when, in consequence of the rupture the protruding liquid stone has found a vent; it is evident, that every part of the water put in motion during the first moment, would tend, according to the first law of motion, still to continue moving during the next and following moments, but this tendency could not be everywhere effectual because, if all the water that rose in the first moment were to rise also in the second, a vacuum would be the consequence. In the second moment, then, a struggle must take place between the different portions of the fluid; the middle portion, which had acquired the greatest velocity, would continue to flow upwards, and its place not being supplied from below, as, during the first moment, suction would be exerted downwards, upon all the surrounding fluid. The consequence must be, that the rise which each particle would have performed by its separate momentum, during this second moment, would be counteracted by the pressure of the atmosphere, and entirely done away at a certain distance from the centre, as at f and h, fig. 2.; beyond that limit the water would sink below the medium level, as at k and i.  An annular depression would thus be produced, surrounding the central elevation, vertical sections of which are exhibited by d k f and h i e; that depression below the medium level being exactly equal in bulk to the additional elevation at the centre, occasioned by the momentum, the vertical section of which is f g h c.  The middle elevation, and the annular depression, would continue to increase during a period, and to an amount regulated by that class of laws, which determines the magnitude and duration of waves, as relative to the wind which produces them; and the water at the end of that period would be thrown into the position denoted by the dotted line in fig. 2, and by the single continued line in fig3, indicated in both figures by the letters d k f g h i e.

During a third period, the water flowing from without the annular depression, to fill it up, a wave of depression would be propagated outwards in all directions, and would visibly reach to places where the elevation produced by the direct impulse in the first moment, had not been at all perceptible, in consequence of their distance from the centre.  It is owing to this cause, I am convinced, that the catastrophes at Lisbon, at Cadiz, at Madeira, and at Lima, in so far as the position of the surface of the sea was concerned, were all first announced by a retreat of the sea, as shewn at m, in fig. 4.

During another successive period, the undulatory motion continuing, the wave of elevation would advance towards the shore at m, and being met by the retiring water, would produce the curling form called the breaking of a wave, as shewn at m in figure 5.  At that instant the calamitous effects described in all the great earthquakes, as resulting from the sea, have been produced.

I have made a few experiments lately with explosions of some pounds of gunpowder under water, in order to try the effect of sudden impulse. In every case, a very manifest heave of the surface was produced at the instant of the explosion, and at that same instant, a very smart percussion was felt. This was always followed in two or three seconds by a distinct and separate agitation of the water, occasioned by the rising of the permanently elastic gases produced in the explosion. The form given to the wave in fig. 1 has been sketched from the recollection of that first momentary impulse.

We have thus a theory of those waves which seem almost invariably to have accompanied the great earthquakes; supposing these to have been occasioned by submarine elevations, and to form an intermediate step between the Volcanic eruptions, and the truly Plutonic operations by which our continents have been elevated.

But, to return to the alpine scenes with which we set out: If the phenomena on the banks of the lake of Geneva, to which we have alluded, were really occasioned by a torrent of water, its magnitude must have been such as to leave few vestiges of the human race, in Europe at least, to record the circumstance; and we can only expect to find proofs of its reality in geological facts. The events of Lisbon and of Callao, though on a scale comparatively diminutive, help to lead our imagination to the conception of this colossal disaster. It may still, however, be alleged, as I have already hinted, that it would be impossible for water of any depth whatever, or moving with any velocity, to carry blocks of such magnitude to such situations; and the consideration is of so great importance, that I am induced, in attempting to unite the ideas of SAUSSURE with those of HUTTON, to retain part of the system proposed by M. WREDE, in so far as to consider the granitic blocks as having been made to float, by means of a mass of ice; attached to each.

A circumstance happened lately in this country which tends to encourage that idea. Upon the coast of the Murray Frith, a large block of stone, four or five feet in diameter, lying within high-water mark; and well known as having served to denote the boundary between two estates, was, during a stormy night in winter, transported to the distance of ninety yards, and the persons upon the spot were convinced, that this migration was performed by means of a large cake of ice, formed round the stone, and attached to it; and that the whole had. been lifted and carried forward by the rising tide. The course of this stone was marked upon the sand below, by a deep and broad furrow, which remained visible for a long time afterwards, as I have been informed by several members of this Society, who saw it after an interval of more than a year.

By supposing that an agent of this sort acted in concert with our diluvian wave, the difficulty with regard to the transportation of the granitic blocks; seems to be in a great measure removed; and this explanation happens to be peculiarly applicable to the case in point; the native place of these blocks being covered profusely with ice, in the state best calculated for fulfilling the office here assigned to it. M. DE SAUSSURE has given the following clear account of the formation of the Glaciers. In any region whose temperature is such that the heat of summer is not sufficiently powerful to melt all the snow of winter, the remaining snow, which, by partial thawing, and. subsequent freezing, is turned into ice, must accumulate year after year to an unbounded degree, so that the mass must become at last so lofty, as to be unable to bear its own weight, and must produce a motion downwards, which will be greatly assisted by fractures, and by the sliding of the ice upon the ground. In this manner the glaciers are produced, which consist of an assemblage of great blocks of ice, each as big as a house, which, sliding and rolling upon each other during summer, make their way from the high frozen valleys where they were formed, through narrow glens, into the rich and warm vales below, in which they remain a considerable time, presenting a curious spectacle among the meadows and woods, some of which they overtop. These masses, however, melt at last, in this new situation, and leave vast assemblages of stones, which had been attached to them, forming a ridge called the Marene of the Glacier.

It is obvious, then, that a wave washing over these high alpine valleys in summer, would float and carry off all the ice in the glaciers, and accumulated in the higher valleys, and, along with the ice, all the blocks of stone imbedded in it, or attached to it in any way. The stream, with this load, would find its way through every opening, and would in a particular manner flow through those depressions, which at this day, as we have said, afford a view of the snowy summit of Mount Blanc, from certain places on the face of Jura where these blocks abound.

The enormous masses already mentioned, which are found near Geneva, and at the Coteau de Boisy, may now be accounted for; and the same system will apply also to the blocks upon the Baltic, which may have been brought to their present place, not by a permanent and steady position of the ocean, varying by slow degrees, as has been alleged by M. WREDE; but by a sudden diluvian wave washing over some district, situated either at a sufficiently high level, or near enough to the pole to be the seat of glaciers. I am not at present acquainted with any facts by which the native place of these blocks can be traced; but I trust we shall not long remain in that state of uncertainty, since there are means by which that point will be found of very easy decision, as I shall endeavour to shew in a subsequent part of this paper by examples in theneighbourhood of Edinburgh.

It is well known, that granite is found native in Sweden; so these blocks may have been carried across the Baltic, as those of Mont Blanc have crossed the valley of Geneva. It is possible also, that they may have been transported by the help of ice from the Alps across Germany, by the very same torrent we have been considering, and which had left a portion of its load behind it on Mount Jura.

This view would afford a natural account of the production of Holland, and of a great part of that quarter of Europe, which consists entirely of sand, and whose magnitude appears to me very far to surpass any deposition that could reasonably be ascribed to the present rivers.  All this sand may be conceived to have been hurried along by that mighty stream, and deposited when the torrent began to spread, and lose its force by diffusion.  It is likely, too, that an immense quantity of this sand would be carried far into the ocean, and its deposition being  there modified in various ways, by local tides and currents, might assume the character of horizontal strata, so as to lay the foundation for future productions of freestone or of killas.  We might thus, by the help of this diluvian agent, complete the great circle of events, so elegantly pointed out by Dr HUTTON, but which the diurnal agents seem quite insufficient to fulfil.

As the sand was depositing upon the low countries, the blocks of granite, with their accompanying ice, from whatever quarter they originated, would still keep floating, and thus account for a striking fact stated by M. DE Luc.  He observes, that the granitic blocks lying in the district between Berlin and the Baltic Sea, occur frequently, and almost constantly, in very numerous assemblages, upon the summits of the sandy hills with which that country is interspersed, whilst none are to be met with in the intervening valleys. That they also abound on the islands of the Baltic; and these blocks shew themselves upon the beach only in those places where the sea reaches the base of some of the hills on which they lie.

The present theory affords an easy solution of this fact.  In the descending stream, these hills, constituting shallow sand-banks, would afford the first resting place for the floating blocks of ice, which, grounding upon them, would  accumulate to very numerous assemblages, and there deposit their granitic charge, while all the other similar blocks flowed onwards, in the deep water between.         

We are thus enabled to give a tolerable account of the granite blocks; but the formation of valleys, and the excavation of lakes, in particular of the lake of Geneva, remain to be explained.  I trust, however, that the same principles will extricate us from this difficulty also.

If my view is correct, as to the violent manner in which our continents have risen from the bottom of the sea, to their utmost elevation in the atmosphere, it is quite obvious, that the cold and hard external crust, while it communicated such shocks to the ocean, must itself have undergone the greatest agitation, and must have been rent and broken in every conceivable mode.  The stone, in liquid fusion, introduced into the rents, would assist the elevation, in so far as it tended to facilitate the shifts, by enabling one mass to slide on the other; but forcing its way upwards, this liquid would at last reach a temperature, in which, as we have said, it would congeal; its further progress in that direction, with respect to the neighbouring substance, being thus effectually stopt, and the propelling force from below, continuing to act, the local elevation would be converted into a more general one, either where the strata were in a flexible state, by means of an horizontal thrust, producing an elevation along with the convolution of the strata, (in a manner lately pointed out in this Society), or, where the neighbouring substances were inflexible, by a penetration of the liquid through the mass, giving rise also to a vertical heave of the whole.  In either case, a number of rents would be formed, in the hard outer crust, which would widen upwards as the heave advanced, thus forming the rudiments of valleysof every degree of wideness, from the narrowest ravine to the most open vale.

All this progress, or at least great part of it, being performed by successive starts, each of which, while under water, producing a tremendous wave; the mass, in rising, would be repeatedly exposed to these diluvian torrents, some formed by itself, and some by neighbouring elevations, so as at last, after long exposure to agents, partly diluvian and partly diurnal, it would arrive at its present situation and condition.

In consequence of the diversity of these elevations in place and in magnitude, acting upon substances of every sort, an endless diversity of effect would be the result.  In some cases a rent, in consequence of the locality of the heave, would be rendered both large and deep in the middle, while it remained nearly closed at both ends.  Water, therefore, could not flow through it without stagnating by the way, and thus a lake would be formed, the depth of which might be very great in the middle, though its extremities were shallow.  This applies to the formation of the lake of Geneva, either before or since the passage of the granitic blocks. It is applicable also to all lakes which occur in alpine or rocky districts.  It will appear in what follows, that an account no less satisfactory may be given on other principles of those which belong to alluvial countries.

An example of the relative changes among rocks, produced by motions of this sort, occurs in the mass on the coast of Berwickshire, with which we have been so much occupied in a former meeting, as affording a display of the convolutions of the strata.  Upon this coast, the killas and sandstone meet on the East near Eyemouth, and on the West in the parish of Cockburnspath, at the Siccar Point, where the junction is beautifully displayed. In the neighbourhood of both junctions, the sandstone strata, laid open by the shore, present to view a striking picture of former revolutions, as I have endeavoured to represent by two sketches taken upon the spot.  One is at the Hallahole near the Press, between Berwick and Eyemouth (Plate VII.) on the east; and the other at the Coveshore  (Plate VIII) in the parish of Cockburnspath on the west.

In both, the sandstone, remote from the junction, is seen in an honzontal position which seems to be its general character, and which upon the west it maintains to a great extent; but in the neighbourhood of the junction, the beds become absolute ly perpendicular, in a rock which, in both cases, rises to the height of thirty or forty feet.  This change of position takes place differently in the two cases.  That upon the East is sudden and immediate, the whole change being performed in a single cliff, at the bottom of which the beds are horizontal, and at its summit vertical, nay, leaning over upon themselves; on the other it is gradual, the strata being seen in succession to pass through every intermediate declivity, the change occupying more than a mile of coast.

This local elevation seems unequivocally to denote a great perpendicular shift.  Either the sandstone mass has sunk and left the killas behind it, or the killas has risen from below, leaving the sandstone, and dragging its contiguous beds partly up along with it.  As we know that the whole once lay deep below the sea, and that it is now raised, it seems more simple to ascribe these changes to one action, and to believe that the last supposition is the true one.

A fact which I witnessed in Calabria, not long after it occurred, belongs to the same class, and may bear a similar interpretation. What is called the Plain of Calabria is an alluvial district, situated along the western coast, behind which there rises a ridge of primitive mountains. When the terrible earth-quake of 1783 took place, a very extraordinary circumstance happened, the remains of which I went to see in 1785, and found it corresponding to DOLOMIEU’S description. A naked scar of red earth, facing the plain, made its appearance upon the primitive mass, all along the line of junction between the two; this scar being ten or fifteen feet high, and appearing almost universally in a tract of many miles.  DOLOMIEU has given an ingenious theory of this phenomenon, which appeared to me satisfactory at the time. He supposes, that in consequence of the agitation of the alluvial mass by the earthquake, it had undergone a subsidence, or tasserment  (as it is expressed in French), similar to what happens when a bushel of wheat is struck by the hand; and that in consequence of the subsidence of the loose country, the firm country had been left behind. I am now, however, inclined to suggest a different explanation of the same fact, and to connect it, by analogy, with some of those lately mentioned, by conceiving that the middle, or rocky mass, may have been raised, leaving the alluvial mass behind it, and that its motion  has been the proximate cause of the earthquake. It may further be observed, in  favour of this view, that if the alluvial mass did subside in the manner pointed out by DOLOMIEU, the districts in the neighbourhood of the sea must have been submerged.  It would have been easy, if such a conjecture had occurred on the spot, to bring it to the test of observation; for the opposite side of the coast of the peninsula must have furnished some facts either in confirmation or refutation of the idea.  I mention it here, as a hint to future travellers, in tracing the result of earthquakes.

I cannot too strongly recommend to geological travellers, the examination of those scenes where earthquakes, and their attendant waves, have exerted their influence, and which have probably left behind them very striking monuments of their power.  I conceive that in this way, the doctrines already advanced in this paper, and which I am now about more fully to illustrate, will be submitted to the test of direct observation.

The fact which I have met with most strictly in point, occurs in HUMBOLDT’S Account of Mexico, Eng. Trans. London, 1811, vol. ii p. 212. At San Pedro de Jerullo, “in the month of June  1759, a subterraneous noise was heard.  Hollow noises of a most alarming nature (brarnidos) were accompanied by frequent earthquakes, which succeeded one another from fifty to sixty days, to the great consternation of the in habitants of the Hacienda. From the beginning of September, every thing seemed to announce the complete re-establishment of tranquillity, when, in the night between the 28th and 29th, the horrible subterraneous noise recommenced.  The affrighted inhabitants fled to the mountains of Aquasarco.  A tract of ground, from three to four square miles in extent, which goes by the name of the Malpays, rose up in the shape of a bladder.  The bounds of this convulsion are still distinguishable in the fractured strata.  The Malpays near its edges is only twelve metres (thirty-nine feet) above the old level of the plain, called Playas de Jorullo; but the convexity of the ground thus thrown up, increases progressively towards the centre, to an elevation of one hundred and sixty metres (five hundred and twenty-four feet)."

In this most striking and interesting scene, we have an actual specimen of those violent and sudden operations by which our continents have been raised to their present position, according to my view of HUTTON’S Theory; and had this event come to his knowledge, which happened in his day, it might have induced him to admit the probability of those sudden elevations, indicated by so many facts.

The process of elevation, whether performed gently or rapidly, is free from a difficulty to which the Systems of both SAUSSURE and WERNER are exposed: both of these geologists conceive that our continents and rocky districts were once covered with water, which has since: flowed away, these rocks maintaining their original position; now, to lay a rock bare in this manner, we must dispose not only of the water which covered the immediate mass of rock, but also of that body of the same fluid which occupied an equal level all over the globe. This difficulty was strongly felt by Professor PALLAS, who says, (Observations sur la Formation des Montagnes, p.79.), that were the summits of the mountains supposed to have been covered, the mass of water required to equal and surmount them round all the globe could not be disposed of within the earth, even were its inside made up of caverns. On that account, he denies that the summit of the hills has been covered.  He burdens himself, however, with a very considerable share of the same difficulty, by supposing that the sea had stood at such a level as to submerge hills of 100 fathoms high.

According to our theory, there is no such embarrassment. We suppose these low hills, as well as the high ones, to have been raised from the bottom of the sea, which need not be considered as ever having stood above its present level.  And I think myself authorised by the facts stated in the course of this paper, in deviating so far from the Huttonian hypothesis, as to believe that the elevation of the land was formed by successive starts, similar to volcanic eruptions, though far more rare and more powerful; and that the percussions impressed by these starts upon the waters of the ocean, were such as to form waves, sometimes of a moderate force, as those at Lisbon or Callao; sometimes of overwhelming magnitude, and capable of producing the effects described in the Alps, in Germany, and in Russia.

As the inferences derived from these distant facts are called in question by some gentlemen of the highest authority in this Society, I am happy to have it in my power to produce a set of observations made in this immediate neighbourhood, which seem in a manner no less satisfactory, to lead to similar conclusions. These are the subject of the second part of this communication.

On the Revolutions of the Earth's Surface.

By Sir JAMES  HALL,  Bart. Pr. R. S. ED. & F.R.S. LOND.



(Read June 8. l812.)

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1812, vol VII, 169-211.

IF such tremendous agents did in reality exert their influence in the Alps, it is not conceivable that other countries, situated lower, and composed of materials much more frail, could have been spared.  We hear in fact of similar traces, more or less distinct, in all quarters of the globe. From the bones of animals, natives of the hottest climates, which are found over a frozen region of vast extent in the Russian empire, PALLAS  concludes, that an enormous torrent had transported their carcases across the ridge of Tartary.

On my return from the Alps, looking for traces of the same agents in this country, I found them in abundance, particularly in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh; and the circumstances of this sort which I have met with, both on a large scale and in detail, seem to afford more precise information as to these events than has hitherto been furnished by the alpine phenomena.

In order to acquire principles upon which these observations may be made to advantage, and by which the truth or falsehood of the systems to which they lead may be brought to a certain test, it is of importance to examine the results of similar actions, in such analogous cases as lie in all respects within reach of observation. If a torrent, like that which is supposed to have inundated the Alps, had flowed over this country, it must have left behind it traces of various sorts, resembling in some degree those that occur in the course of any common river which has recently overflowed its banks. Thus in both cases, sand and mud, and loose stones, must have been transported and deposited, and fixed objects must have been overwhelmed and abraded, by the action of the water and of these moving bodies: The relation of the stream to these objects, either met or transported, is very different, it is true, in the two cases, but a sufficient agreement exists between them to guide us on the present occasion.

It is an undoubted truth that where an obstacle occurs in the course of a fluid, which is in the act of transporting and depositing heavy substances, the deposition in the neighbourhood of that obstacle undergoes considerable modification. The theory of these modifications would be difficult to determine; but their effects may easily be traced, by observation in the bed of any stream after a flood, or in the drifting of snow, fallen during a high wind, or which is in the act of falling.

Where the obstacle is high and narrow; where its height, for instance, is at least equal to its breadth, we perceive that a stagnation of the fluid takes place in the side towards which the stream is flowing, and a deposition is formed of the transported substances, constituting a tail or prolongation, which extends in the direction of the stream, by a gradual descent to the distance frequently of eight or ten times the height of the obstacle.  At the same time, an  acceleration is occasioned at certain places in the neighbourhood, by which the general deposition, which was going on at the time, and which would have been universal had no interruption occurred, is there prevented. This acceleration takes place along that face of the obstacle which fronts the stream, along both its sides, and along those of the tail, forming  the stagnation just mentioned:  the consequence is the production of a hollow or depression in all those places, below the leve1of the general deposition in the neighbourhood. The case is different where the obstacle is of great breadth compared with its height. When its breadth, for example, is five or six times greater than its height, the effect is often reversed, and an excavation is occasioned on the side toward which the stream is flowing.

The action of a current of water upon sand, or of wind upon snow, previously deposited, produces effects similar to those just pointed out. Thus, a firm body, occurring in the midst of such an assemblage, mitigates or prevents the action behind the obstacle, that is, on the side towards which the current is flowing, and, at the same time, augments the corrosive energy in front of it, and along the two sides. Effects are thus produced similar to those in the case last mentioned; and it may be difficult in many cases to determine whether a particular assemblage has been produced, by a modification of the first deposition, or by a second action upon an assemblage previously formed. The action of a current, with the assistance of the solid masses of every size transported by it, upon the substance of an solid rock opposed to it, is subject to certain laws, the principles of which must, in many respects, be common to it in the two cases just mentioned, as we shall have occasion to point out more fully in the course of this paper.

In attempting to apply these principles to the great scale of geology, and to vindicate my opinions on this curious subject, I shall appeal to a series of facts which are very accessible to this assembly, the greatest part of them lying within two or three miles of this city. In that view, I have given, along with this paper, a plan, on actual survey, taken on this account, of a small district in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, comprehending the Corstorphine Hill and its immediate neighbourhood.  I thus hope to indicate the place of each specimen alluded to, in such a manner, that, provided the rock remains in existence, it may be in the power of an observer to discover it at any future period; however much it may have been concealed by those accidents to which such specimens are perpetually exposed.

The country in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh is what all are agreed to ca1l Secondary, consisting of beds of sandstone, and occasionally of limestone; and coal, interstratified with thick assemblages of shale, in loose and frail strata: This mass is traversed with the utmost irregularity, by dikes or veins of whinstone, which occur also in vast interjected masses, sometimes lying in great amorphous blocks, and sometimes in thick beds, parallel to the strata. The strata, themselves, as might be expected, are thrown, by means of its intrusion, into much irregularity, and though nearly parallel to each other in any particular spot, exhibit the utmost variety, when different places are compared together, as to their dip and direction.  This contrast is conspicuous in Salisbury Craig on the east and in Corstorphine Hill on the west of Edinburgh. Each consists of a thick mass of whinstone, parallel to the strata beneath it, which, in the first mentioned hill, dip rapidly to the east, and in the second to the west.

The surface of this district, together with the alluvial part of its mass, bears every mark of the effects which a wave of sufficient magnitude to overwhelm it, might be expected to occasion upon so multifarious an assemblage.

Raised from below by the violent and abrupt means already alluded to, in my last communication to the Society, this district would present to a stream overwhelming it at any subsequent period, numberless points of attack. Many of the rocks being rent in various ways, the hardest parts being in a shivered state, would easily be carried forward.  The soft beds of shale or of slate-clay being laid open to the attacks of the current, would be deeply abraded by its action, and thus masses, both stratified and unstratified, that were originally unbroken, would be undermined, and, yielding to their own weight, would add to the quantity of moving matter, and extend the field of attack upon the weaker parts. The water would thus be loaded with a multitude of blocks of every size, shape, and quality, and with a quantity of clay, which being soon reduced to mud, through which these stones were irregularly and confusedly scattered, would flow at the bottom of the water, and along with it, and would be deposited, according to the laws already pointed out, when the stream approached to a state of rest. Such seems to have been the origin of that body of compact blue clay which forms a material part of our low districts, bearing every indication of having flowed as a mass into its present situation; for it is totally devoid of stratification, though frequently of great thickness.

This mass shews itself in several places, in the bed of the water of Leith, where the banks have been laid open by natural or artificial means.  It was well displayed formerly, and may still be seen above the Bells' Mills Quarry, and is now exposed to view upon the right hand, after crossing the Dean Bridge, on the old road to Queensferry. It here presents to view a face of about twenty or thirty feet deep, though it often extends to forty or fifty feet. We find it also upon the shore to the west of Leith, as laid open by the sea; and I am informed by the person who conducted the work, that at the Fort in that neighbourhood, in a search for water, it has been penetrated to the depth of eighty feet from the surface, being fifty below high-water mark. It is obvious, that the power of such mud, when flowing as a stream, in transporting heavy bodies, and in abrading assemblages previously formed, must bear some relation to the resistance which it would oppose to any object forced through it, and of course, that

The existence of assemblages of this sort, affords, by its simple testimony, a powerful argument in favour of a stream having overflowed this country, superior in magnitude to any known river; and the facts seem to meet the challenge held out by Mr PLAYFAIR in the following passage, Illustrations, art. 366. "Lastly," he says, "if there were anywhere a hill, or any large mass composed of broken and shapeless stones, thrown together like rubbish, and neither worked into gravel, nor disposed with any regularity, we must ascribe it to some other cause than the ordinary detritus and wasting of the land. This, however, has never yet occurred, and it seems best to wait till the phenomenon is observed before we seek for the explanation of it."

Now it appears to me, that these vast assemblages, in which blocks of every size, and shape, and quality, some sharp, some round, are confusedly scattered through clay, are inexplicable by any diurnal cause, and do call for some particular solution.

Such parts of the torrent as encountered less of the strata of shale and clay, would hurry along with them the comminuted sandstone, and deposite it in the form of sand and of gravel. Vast accumulations have thus been formed in all our lower districts, the external figure of which, and of the clay, has acquired, as we shall soon have occasion to point out, a character peculiar to itself, and having externally a smoothness and regularity, which forms a striking contrast with the  abrupt and most irregular dislocation which very commonly occurs in the solid mass within.

In the midst of this general wreck of all the frail parts, the strongest masses, principally those which, like Arthur's Seat, have been powerfully pervaded with whinstone, would resist and defy all the impetuosity of the stream. The principles which we have endeavoured to lay down, as to the influence of firm obstacles on depositions and abrasions, would thus be brought into action.

The rock upon which the Castle of Edinburgh stands, together with the site of the Old Town, exhibit the most perfect example that could be conceived of the application of these principles. The rock itself, about two hundred feet in height, above its base, and bare on three fourths of its circumference, consists of one of the most complete and uniform masses of whin stone that is known in this country. Its form is rudely cylindrical, and from it the ridge upon which the Old Town stands, composed partly of deposites, and partly of protected strata, extends, gently sloping, for about a mile to the eastward, from the Castle to the Abbey of Holyroodhouse, where the tail terminates. Round the western, southern, and northern sides, a hollow valley occurs, which, towards the north, is still a marsh, and was once a lake, being known by the name of the North Loch.

Corstorphine Hill, which, as seen from Edinburgh, occupies the horizon to the north-west, affords, in one respect, an example of the other case just mentioned. It consists of a ridge of about a mile and a half in extent, rising in the middle, declining gently at both ends, and pointing from north to south, with a declination of about 20° to the east.  It presents a smooth face of whinstone to the west, towards which the mass dips in parallelism with the strata beneath it. Upon its eastern side a hollow valley occurs, in which the old castle of Craig-crook stands, and from its southern extremity a tail extends to the eastward, lying between Ravelstone and Murrayfield, upon the southern face of which Murrayfield stands.

Thus, the Castle of Edinburgh, gives an example of the effect of a narrow obstacle; and this hill, of a broad one, in so far as it has a valley on the side towards which the stream was flowing.

We have endeavoured, in the last communication to this Society, to account for the formation of such lakes as occur in alpine and rocky districts. The circumstances just pointed out, explain the formation of those which belong to districts formed of frail and moveable substances.  At Lochend a striking example occurs, of a lake produced upon the upper side of an obstacle, in consequence of local acceleration.

Immediately on the east of Corstorphine Hill, a set of firm rocks, or little hills of sandstone occur, rising up from this hollow, or standing upon its eastern side. Of these, Ravelstone, Craigleith, and Blackcraig, are the principal, well known as excellent quarries. From each of them a tail or prolongation extends to the eastward, formed chiefly of the blue clay already mentioned, together with beds of sand and gravel.  These decline very gently, and maintain, to a considerable distance, the individual character given to each by the firm mass producing it.  These ridges, however, are occasionally interrupted by the interference of the same principles; as we see well illustrated near the rock of Craigleith Quarry, by which the tail extending from the Maiden Craig, (another sandstone mass to the westward of it,) is abruptly cut off.

From Corstorphine Hill to the eastward, the country embracing all the space between Edinburgh and the sea presents one continued series of ridges, upon one of which the New Town of Edinburgh stands. It is an important circumstance, that these ridges maintain a very correct parallelism with each other, with the tail of the Castle rock, and of the Calton Hill, and with the alluvial prolongations that extend to the eastward from all the eminences of this neighbourhood. And a series of parallel ridges occur also on the south side of Edinburgh, extending from all the rocky eminences, as may be well seen on the road leading to Dalkeith, which passes over several of these; one of the most remarkable of which is, that on which the village of Libberton stands.

Such an arrangement cannot have been the work of the diurnal waters produced by our common rains; for the course of such waters, flowing by the action of gravity, and guided by the general slope of the country, which declines towards the Frith of Forth, ought to have produced depositions nearly at right angles to those under consideration. It is in vain that a vast duration is ascribed to the influence of an agent, unless it can be shewn, that its action has a tendency to produce the alleged result. If it has a tendency to produce a different result, that difference would be augmented in proportion to the duration of the action.  Now, the diurnal operations are everywhere found in the act of corroding and altering the forms here alluded to; but they are nowhere seen to produce them. This class of facts, on the other hand, all conspire in giving probability to the hypothesis of a diluvian wave,  which affords an easy explanation of all the large features of this country.

An important principle of the theory of running streams must here also be considered, namely, that the shape assumed by such a stream flowing through sand or other loose matter, bears a distinct relation to the magnitude of the stream; the radius of curvature of its bendings being in proportion to that magnitude. Thus, all the water collected from this neighbourhood, is capable of producing no more than a paltry brook, as appears from the Water of Leith, which we see meandering between two of the ridges just mentioned. This meandering course, suits the diminutive size of the brook; whereas these ridges being straight, or, mathematically speaking, having a curvature whose radius is of infinite length, we are led, by a very obvious analogy, and in concurrence with what has been observed in other parts of the globe, to believe that a cause very different from any now in activity, and far more powerful, has exerted its influence upon this spot; that a stream has flowed over it, capable of overwhelming and disregarding objects by which the Nile or the Ganges would have been turned out of their course.

But the testimonies in favour of this hypothesis are not derived from these large features alone; and it is not conceivable, that such agents could have been at work, without leaving behind them indications of their influence still more unequivocal. These occur in the very places indicated by the theory, and exhibit remarkable instances of abrasion. In order to investigate them with success, we must have recourse once more to the effects produced by one of our common streams.

Where a firm rock of any kind has been exposed to the action of a rapid river, its surface acquires in consequence of that abrasion a peculiar character, which every one recognizes at a glance, but which is difficult to describe in words.  The most obvious and universal effect of such an action, is the rounding of all the original angles of the rock not only the prominent, but also the entering angles.  For where an original hollow has occurred, coinciding at all with the course of the stream, the water has undergone an acceleration along that hollow, and has excavated for itself a waving groove more or less longitudinal.  The whole has thus acquired a peculiar character, by an assemblage of flowing lines, which recalls the water-worn state of the rock.  Another set of forms also present themselves in all such cases, which could not easily have been foreseen, and whose existence we learn only from observation of the fact: we observe, that the surface is in many parts excavated by shallow depressions of various sizes, which I shall distinguish by the name of scoopings, as resembling the effect which would be produced upon a soft body by the oblique blow of a spoon or scoop. I conceive that they have in fact been produced by the action of eddies of inferior force to the main stream, but acting in company with it in different and sometimes opposite directions. These various corrosions going on together, have each produced its peculiar effect; and most of them being concave, their meeting has given rise to the set of waving angular ridges which constitute the most unequivocal feature of a water-worn rock. These angular forms differ completely from those which occur in the broken surface of a rock. These last are acute, rectilinear and abrupt; while those others are continuous, flowing, and having their angles very obtuse; so obtuse in some cases, as not to be visible, unless the light strikes upon the rock in a peculiar direction.

In a small but rapid brook near my house in the country, these forms occur on the surface of a smooth bed of sandstone over which it flows. I observed lately, when the brook was low and clear, that, to a certain distance below each of these obtuse angled ridges, the rock was covered with green moss, while above the angle it was bare. The mode in which these forms are produced and maintained, seems thus to be pointed out: the main stream being possessed of just power enough to keep the rock clear of moss, and the eddy being too weak for this purpose. In a flood, I presume that the eddy acquires such power, that the whole rock is cleared.

In whatever manner we account for the production of these forms, it is certain, that they present themselves on the surface of water-worn rocks.  I have also observed them upon the surface of a mass of snow which had been acted upon, and partly removed by a strong wind. As the abrasion occasioned by a fluid in motion seems alone to possess that power, we may reasonably conclude, then, that a fluid has acted where such forms occur.

Now, it is a fact of which I shall presently lay various examples before this assembly, that the very rocks over which, according to the theory advanced in this paper, torrents of water have flowed, loaded with sand, and gravel, and large stones, and accompanied with streams of mud, are found to exhibit at their surface all the characters of abrasion lately mentioned; -the rotundity and flowing character; -the excavation of hollows into the form of waving grooves; -the concave scoopings, and the obtuse-angled, and waving ridges.  Circumstances, then, seem to justify the conclusion, that, in fact, mighty torrents have traversed these districts.

In addition to the facts mentioned, and in company with them, another set also occur in these scenes, which powerfully corroborate the same conclusion. As stones of considerable bulk are often carried down by torrents, it is reasonable to expect, that upon rocks along which they have been hurried, and on which they could not fail to act as grinders, traces should shew themselves of that passage by scratches and abrasions of various sorts; and I have little doubt, that such will be found, when. the effects of great floods in rapid rivers are properly examined; especially where a  stream of mud has accompanied the torrent.  Not having had occasion, however, to visit any scene of this sort, since the importance of the observation  occurred to me, I have as yet, only met in rivers with cases in which the surface of the rock has been dressed to smoothness, and in which the abrasion shews itself in the general rotundity of the grooves and scoopings, and in, the obtuse angled and waving ridges just described.

But what I have hitherto looked for in vain in common rivers, occurs universally in the diluvian scenes, where there is reason, from other circumstances, to believe, that a powerful abrasion has taken place, and where the surface has been protected from the injuries of the weather. Where it has been exposed to that injury, we generally find, that the large features of dressing, the grooves and scoopings, and obtuse angled ridges, only remain. But where a mass of this kind, either by accident or design, has been followed under ground to where its surface has been protected by a covering of clay, an interesting and striking scene presents itself; the surface is found to resemble that of a wet road, along which a number of heavy and irregular bodies have been recently dragged; indicating that every block that passed, and every one of its corners, had left its trace behind it; and these are rendered very distinctly visible, when the surface, is drenched with water.

In many cases these furrows or scratches have been so deep as to resist all the effects of the weather, and shew themselves in rocks that have been always exposed, sometimes many yards in length. Occasionally, single scratches, and parallel sets of them, deviate by five or six degrees from the general direction; but the important circumstance is, that such deviation is rare, the very great majority of both sets agreeing in parallelism with each other, and with the general direction, not only of the scoops and grooves of the rock upon which they occur, but also of the ridges and large features of the district. A rock covered with these furrows, has externally an appearance greatly resembling what is called Slickenside, with this difference; that in the slickenside, we can always discover some proof that one portion of the main rock has performed a small slide upon the other; whereas, in this case, every thing shews, that the rock under consideration has stood firm, and has been abraded by a number of bodies in motion. The circumstance just mentioned, of occasional deviations of parallelism, seems also to distinguish this form from the slickenside; in which last, I believe, the lines are invariably parallel.

The direction of the stream in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, as indicated by the medium result of a number of observations, appears to have been from 10° S. of W. to 10° N. of E., by true bearings taken with a needle, and allowing 27½° west of north as the variation; and I have met with no case deviating more than 10° or 12° from that average on either side.

Text scanned and edited by Douglas E. Cox
The Creation Concept | Controversy About the Glacial Theory